Jogo de memória política

by Ensinar Historia


2.42 usd

The memory game is a classic: the player must find the pair of cards with the same image or figure. The memory is in remembering the position of the cards on the table to quickly identify the pair.This game has the same dynamics, however, using political terms and concepts instead of figures. But its purpose goes beyond these mechanics: the game tests the players political knowledge. After each pair formed, the player must answer a test related to the words on the cards.The tests deal with simple and complex political terms and concepts, with facts from the history of Brazil and the 2022 elections.The game has four levels for the player to choose from each having 12 pairs of cards. Successes and errors in the formation of pairs of cards and in the answers to the tests are scored.How many points will you make?What is your knowledge of politics?How is your political memory?